The Future of Medical Payments: How Merchant Processing is Transforming Healthcare

Healthcare payment systems face tough challenges today, where high costs and slow processes are common. Medical practices seek swift and secure ways to handle transactions. That’s where merchant processing solutions enter. These services offer hope, promising to streamline payments efficiently and easily. With unlimited card processing now within reach, medical credit card processing is not just a trend; it’s a necessity that reshapes how medical practices manage finances. 


The Current State of Medical Payments

While payment is paramount in health care, it frequently becomes a problem. This generates problems that start with traditional methods failing to meet modern needs.

Outdated Practices: Some providers are stuck on paper-based billing, causing unnecessary wastage of resources.

Extended Delays: Practice cash flows are generally disrupted by processing payments taking weeks.

Manual Errors: Hand-processed payments create some errors and make it difficult to tally accounts.

Patient Frustration: Patient displeasure mainly occurs due to slow and unclear reimbursement practices.

Limited Payment Options: Unlimited card processing is important to enhance patient convenience.

Security Risks: This leaves a gap for conventional methods that are not robust enough, posing high risks of breach.

Compliance Issues: Adherence to payment regulation in the bygone era was difficult.


Rise of Merchant Services for Medical Practices

New medical practices are changing the way of Medical merchant processing. They include credit card processing for medical practices, debit cards, internet shopping, and point of sales for transmitting and processing sensitive financial information. They have simplified billing systems with competitive cash flow rates, convenient means of paying, and increased patient satisfaction.

The need for a change in old payment processing to a new model. The new demands are fast and secure digital payment options, which have slowly replaced old and paper-based medical practices, known as medical merchant processing.

On the other hand, due to the limited card processing, healthcare providers have only been able to accept a specific number of payments at specific amounts. These newer merchant services also ensure safety and abide by medico-financial management standards, thus marking new times.


Impact of Medical Merchant Processing

With many benefits, medical merchant processing is transforming healthcare payments. Here’s how:

Efficiency: Facilitates billing and collection, streamlining the administrative load.

Security: Provides strong security measures that protect patients’ financial information.

Speed: Fastens up the transaction, leading to quick money transfers.

Patient Experience: It simplifies the payment process, thereby increasing their satisfactory experience with patient care.

Revenue Cycle: Makes payment faster and shortens the billing cycle, improving the practice’s cash flow.

Accessibility: Provides limitless card handling and increases options for payments.

Compliance: Guarantees that all transactions conform to industry standards, rules, and regulations.


Technological Advancements in Payment Processing in Healthcare

It is imperative to stress that technology has brought changes regarding the processing of payments within the healthcare sector. These are contactless payments, and patients can swipe their payment cards, thus promoting ease and safety. Developments in mobile payment technology now allow customers to do banking via their smartphones or tablets.

Another major achievement in the healthcare sector was integrating the billing system. They support combined billing operations that make mistakes less likely and simplify other administrative operations. Some benefits include fast patient billing, greater accuracy, and improved efficiency. 

These technologies are used in medical practices to provide quicker payment solutions. This move provides medical providers with the speed and security they require today, which are key areas of concern for the medical industry through its ongoing digital revolution of medical payments.


Future of Medical Payments

The horizon for medical payments is dynamic and promising, with several trends indicating a transformative future:

Widespread Adoption of Contactless: The future may see hygiene becoming a proxy for speed in the age where contactless ways of doing business may be commonplace.

Mobile Payment Growth: Consumer technology trends increase medical transactions through mobile platforms.

AI and Machine Learning: This will help these technologies prepare in advance for payment issues, fully automate the billing process, and eliminate errors.

Blockchain for Security: Blockchain could make payment processing more secure and transparent.

International Standards: They are important worldwide and enable standardized international payments.

Unified Payment Platforms: There is also likely to be more consolidation of marketplaces that bundle several payment methods.

Personalized Payment Plans: Personalized payment options are based on the patient’s history or willingness to take particular drugs.



Merchant processing is pivotal in healthcare payments by enhancing efficiency, increasing safety, and boosting services. To remain on top, healthcare providers must adopt medical merchants and unlimited card processing. However, this change doesn’t merely represent an overhaul. It signifies future-proofing for patient transactions. These benefits help providers to take the lead in this revolutionary revolution. Discover seamless payment solutions with Blue Yonder Corp, where secure and efficient merchant services meet the needs of modern healthcare. Act now!

Ensuring Secure Dental Payment Processing: Best Practices and Tips

Dental practices will be very important when securing Dental merchant processing. It secures patient data, maintains information confidentiality, and earns patients’ trust. Such dental card processing systems should be strong to safeguard these private data. Securing credit card transactions has become very important in an era where data breaches have been common. 

By implementing tailored merchant services for dental practices, frauds are also prevented. Using dental credit cards for processing is a convenience and an essential measure for protecting confidentiality. Clinics can prove that they care about safety through dental credit cards for processing. The importance of this approach lies in ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of patient financial information.


The Risks of Insecure Payment Processing

Inadequate security measures make the payment process at dental practices very insecure. The consequences of a breach are far-reaching and can affect both patients and practices.

Data Breaches: Inadequate security procedures can lead to unauthorised access to patient data, resulting in identity theft and financial fraud.

Failure to Comply: Failing to meet standards like PCI DSS can result in fines and sanctions, which makes the practice look bad.

Trust Erosion: Since your patients trust you with their information, you must take care. One breach can destroy any trust that has been built over time.

Operational Setbacks: Post Breach investigations have the power to disrupt the way a practice operates. This could lead to lost appointments and revenue.

Legal Consequences: Lawsuits tend to follow noncompliance and breaches, making damage financial and reputational damage worse.

Reputation Damage: News of a breach spreads quickly. It shouldn’t be surprising that this will put off potential new patients. Even those who currently go there will lose confidence.


Best Practices for Secure Credit Card Processing for Dentists

In modern dental practice, one of the most important things is to keep patient information safe. But maintaining the integrity of your practice is equally as important.

Use devices with encryption: The best way to keep data secure is to make sure it’s never at risk in the first place.

Software that adheres to PCI DSS: By doing so, you’ll reduce the risk of data breaches when accepting payments.

Strict access controls: Limit who can process and view transaction data.

Training: Run regular training programs for staff on security protocols and phishing scam awareness.

Secure internet connections: Always use secure and encrypted connections when processing payments, avoiding public or unsecured wifi.

Regular audits: Now and then, check in on your security. That way, you can find any potential problems before they cause trouble.

Two-factor authentication: Apply this when accessing payment processing systems. This adds a layer of security to help protect against unauthorised access.

Back up your data: it’s always a good idea to maintain backups of transaction data however possible. It helps prevent loss during emergencies or if your main storage fails.

Vendor due diligence: Ensure they comply with all security standards before working together.


The Role of Dental Credit Card Processing Companies

Some of these companies involved are the dental firms, which also process credit cards as they have a lot when it comes to securing transactions between the practitioners. Such services focus on a specialised scope in dentistry. These ensure that all transactions are secure by employing various security measures with their help. For example, the addition of end-to-end encryption and fraud monitoring.

They provide customised solutions that they integrate into the practice management software, making the financial workflow easy. The benefits of using them are clear: better security, efficient processes, and reliable means of paying their bills. As the name implies, all this stuff adds to the growth of the image and the success of dental practices.


Implementing Robust Card Processing Systems for Dentists

Implementing a robust payment system in a dental practice is a multistep process that ensures transactions are secure and efficient.

Assessment: Begin with a thorough assessment of the current payment processing system to identify any security gaps or inefficiencies.

Choosing Providers: Select a dental card processing company specialising in dental practice services, ensuring they understand the industry’s specific needs.

Integration: Ensure the payment system is compatible with the practice’s current dental management software to achieve a smooth and consistent routine.

Security Protocols: Implement strong security mechanisms, including encryption and tokenising the cardholder’s information.

Compliance: Ensure the system meets recognised industry standards like PCI DSS to prevent data leakages.

Training: Train the staff on the new system and inform the employees that security is vital to daily work.



Finally, the security of dental card processing assures privacy for patient’s information to provide confidence in patients. In this case, security around a dental practice must be made secure by observing compliance and adopting innovations in data encryption and tokenisation to avoid fraud. The best way to ensure maximum protection is for practices to audit and continuously improve their payment systems. Experience how Blue Yonder Corp will transform your business for an unparalleled journey towards excellence. Connect with us today!

The Benefits of Card Processing for Chiropractors

In the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, chiropractors are embracing technological advancements to enhance their practice and provide optimal patient care. One such innovation that has proven to be a game-changer for clinics is chiropractic card processing. In this blog post, we will delve into the myriad benefits of adopting card processing systems, from attracting new patients to streamlining financial operations and ultimately fostering practice growth.

The Advantages of Card Processing for Chiropractors

Chiropractors are increasingly recognizing the pivotal role that technology plays in optimising their practices.  Here are the key benefits of card processing for chiropractors, elevating their services, and fostering growth.

Attracting New Patients with Convenience

In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key, and patients are increasingly expecting healthcare services to align with their modern lifestyle. Accepting card payments offers a level of convenience that can attract new patients to your chiropractic clinic. Potential patients may be more inclined to choose a chiropractor who provides the flexibility to pay with their preferred credit or debit card, eliminating the need for cash transactions.

Enhancing Patient Experience

Chiropractic credit card processing not only attracts new patients but also contributes to an enhanced overall patient experience. With the ability to accept card payments, chiropractors can streamline the check-in and check-out process, reducing wait times and administrative hassles. This efficiency resonates positively with patients, making their visits smoother and more enjoyable.

Improving Cash Flow and Financial Management

Adopting card processing for chiropractors can significantly improve the financial health of chiropractic practices. Traditional payment methods like cash and checks can lead to delayed payments and increased administrative workload. With Chiropractic card processing, payments are processed electronically, reducing the risk of payment delays and providing chiropractors with a more predictable cash flow.

Minimising Billing Errors

Manual billing processes are prone to errors, leading to discrepancies in financial records and potential patient issues. Chiropractic credit card processing systems automate the billing process, minimising the likelihood of errors and ensuring accurate financial records. This not only saves time but also enhances the credibility of the chiropractic practice.

Increased Security for Financial Transactions

Security is paramount in financial transactions, and card processing offers a secure method of handling payments. Leading card processing systems adhere to strict security standards, protecting both the chiropractor and their patients from potential fraud or data breaches. This added layer of security instils trust and confidence in patients, reinforcing the professional image of the chiropractic clinic.

Catering to Diverse Payment Preferences

Not all patients prefer to pay in the same way. By accepting card payments, chiropractors cater to the diverse payment preferences of their patient base. Whether credit cards, debit cards, or even mobile payment options, providing multiple payment choices enhances patient satisfaction and ensures that the chiropractic clinic remains accessible to a broader audience.

Streamlining Administrative Processes

Chiropractors wear many hats, and administrative tasks can be time-consuming. Card processing systems automate payment-related administrative processes, freeing up valuable time for chiropractors to focus on patient care and practice growth. This streamlining of tasks contributes to increased operational efficiency and allows chiropractors to allocate resources strategically.

Building Patient Loyalty with Rewards Programs

Some Chiropractic card processing systems offer rewards programs that allow patients to earn points or discounts with each transaction. By leveraging these programs, chiropractors can build patient loyalty and encourage repeat visits. This benefits patients by providing incentives and contributes to the long-term success and sustainability of the chiropractic practice.

Why Choose Blue Yonder Corp

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare payment solutions, Blue Yonder Corp stands out as the premier choice for chiropractors seeking unparalleled reliability and innovation. Here’s why you should choose Blue Yonder Corp:

1. Tailored Solutions for Chiropractors: Blue Yonder Corp specialises in crafting payment solutions specifically designed for chiropractic practices. Their understanding of the unique needs and challenges in the chiropractic field ensures that their services seamlessly integrate with your practice, maximising efficiency and effectiveness.

2. Unlimited Credit Card Processing: With Blue Yonder Corp, you benefit from unlimited credit card processing, providing you with the flexibility to accommodate your growing practice without worrying about transaction limitations. This unlimited feature ensures that your payment processing scales with your success.

3. Cutting-Edge Technology: Blue Yonder Corp leverages cutting-edge technology to deliver secure and reliable payment processing. Their systems adhere to the highest security standards, offering both you and your patients peace of mind when it comes to financial transactions.

4. Enhanced Patient Experience: By choosing Blue Yonder Corp, you contribute to an enhanced patient experience. The seamless integration of their payment solutions streamlines administrative processes, reducing wait times, and providing a level of convenience that aligns with the modern expectations of patients.

5. Innovative Rewards Programs: Blue Yonder Corp goes beyond traditional payment processing by offering innovative rewards programs. These programs can help you build patient loyalty, encouraging repeat visits and fostering a positive relationship between your chiropractic practice and your patients.

Wrapping Up!

Adopting Chiropractic card processing systems can be a transformative step for chiropractors looking to enhance their practice. From attracting new patients to improving cash flow, the advantages are manifold. By embracing technological innovations and providing the convenience that modern patients seek, chiropractors can position themselves for sustained growth and success in the dynamic healthcare landscape.

Blue Yonder Corp offers Unlimited card processing solutions tailored to the unique needs of chiropractors.  Contact us today to discovеr how you can bеnеfit from our offers.

The Benefits of Credit Card Processing for Small Businesses

When it comes to running a business one of the important factors involved in it is transactions. And when it comes to small businesses there are a lot of transactions that take place daily. There are various methods by which these consumer to seller and with the age of cashless, credit card and debit cards can be a big help as carrying cash every time is not conceivable. 

According to a Forbes statistical analysis, consumers use credit cards to make over 28% of all payments, underscoring the substantial influence that credit card processing has on worldwide income. 

Small businesses need credit card processing to be successful, especially in the healthcare industry. It increases clients and enables smooth transactions. This blog focuses on the advantages of credit card processing for chiropractors and dentists, two crucial healthcare professions. These professions may get several benefits by using this financial strategy, increasing their success and effectiveness. 

What is Credit Card Processing? 

Credit card processing can play a wide role when it comes to merchant transactions. A merchant uses credit card processing to accept and manage payments from customers who use their credit or debit cards. Authorization, authentication, approval, capture, and settlement are some of the stages that are involved. 

A request to confirm the customer’s funds is sent to the card issuer via the merchant’s payment terminal or online system. By verifying the card information, the issuer stops fraud by confirming the legality of the transaction. If authorized, money is briefly set aside. By providing the consumer with the requested products or services, the merchant completes the transaction, and the monies are then added to the merchant’s account. The money is subsequently put into the company’s designated bank account when the merchant’s bank submits the authorized transactions to card networks for settlement.

Modern commerce is dependent on credit card processing since it enables companies to provide a variety of payment choices and grow their clientele.

Advantages of credit card processing 

1. Increased Sales

Credit cards provide several advantages for organizations, such as boosting sales, luring impulse shoppers, enhancing cash flow, maintaining competitiveness, legitimizing your brand, offering convenience, and boosting output. 98% of households in the 70th percentile, who make over $100,000 annually, have a credit card in their possession. One is only present in 57% of households with incomes under $25,000. The most likely populations are Asian Americans and Caucasian Americans. And therefore the use of credit cards have increased sales. 

2. Credit Cards Grab Impulse Buyers

Businesses that take credit cards are more likely to draw clients who tend to make impulsive purchases and overspend given the rising trend of e-commerce. A Forbes Advisor survey from February 2023 shows that just 9% of Americans primarily use cash to pay for purchases and are more likely to make impulsive purchases while using credit cards than when using cash, underscoring the psychological effect of these practical, intangible forms of payment. This behavior may have a big influence on a company’s revenues, especially in markets where there are plenty of impulsive purchases.

3. Improved Cash Flow

Electronic payment processing for credit cards eliminates manual processes including clearing checks, collecting invoices, sorting bills, counting, and moving cash. This enables companies to keep ahead of the competition and preserve a respectable reputation. 

4. Keep Up With Competition

Another benefit is convenience, as customers like quick service and easy payment options. Customers are further enticed to utilize their credit cards for purchases by additional benefits like reward points, cash back, and airline miles.

5. Improved Productivity

Automated credit card payments cut expenses by doing away with the need for labor-intensive manual tasks like processing checks, keeping track of accounts, and going to the bank. The technology enables rapid and simple setup, and it may be up and running in 24 to 48 hours after a merchant account application has been approved.

6. Reduced Cost and  Loan Eligibility

Another advantage of utilizing credit cards is that they may help you save money because they do not need sending out invoices, which saves you money on things like postage, paper, printer ink, and additional labor. Businesses can also qualify for immediate unsecured loans based on their digitally recorded transactions thanks to digital footprints.

Benefits of Credit Card Processing for Dental Practices

By removing the need for cash or checks, credit card processing for dentists simplifies patient transactions, saving time and resources. As cash payments and cheques can be laborious and require extra chores, it also lessens administrative burdens. Accepting credit cards for dentist’s gives dental offices more professionalism, which increases client trust in the caliber of the services. This ease of use may result in greater patient satisfaction and perhaps more recommendations, which would eventually increase overall business profitability. Therefore credit card processing can help them improve the client services in many ways.

Benefits for Chiropractic Clinics

Chiropractic patients may conveniently and securely pay for several appointments using credit card processing. It guarantees security and transparency and enables flexibility in payment methods, such as package or monthly plans as there are plans available for credit card processing for Chiropractors. It is appropriate for mobile clinics as well, enabling them to take payments while on the move. 

Chiropractic professionals might think about receiving payment through Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA). For the convenience of patients, a credit card processing system should also accept recurring payments, particularly for long-term treatment programs. In general, credit card processing provides a practical and safe way to pay for chiropractic therapy. Chiropractic card processing in a lot of ways can aid in improvement for clients services. 

Want to set up a merchant account with an easy way to manage credit card processing for dentists and chiropractors? Consider BlueYonder. No setup costs, card transaction or equipment fees. No additional expenses that remain undisclosed, or cancellation fees. Enjoy its merchant services for medical practice, and take your business to new heights.


With BlueYonder you stop paying your high credit card processing fees and enjoy $65 a month for unlimited processing. No other fees.

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Start the savings today,

call 800-270-9285

Or fill in the email form and one of our account specialists will contact you direct.

How to Avoid Common Mistakes When Setting Up a Merchant Processing Account?

Choosing the right merchant account for your business can be a daunting task. Thousands of different merchant accounts are available, like merchant services for medical practices and others, offering unique features and benefits. Having a merchant account is very important for business-holding people seeking to accept electronic payment methods from customers. 

The convenience for the company and its customers is increased by the smooth transactions made possible by this financial gateway. Research further supports this, showing that 59% of individuals shop using mobile web browsers and applications.

So, to avoid any mistake while setting up a merchant account, you must read further to know better! We’ll explore crucial techniques in this post to avoid these mistakes and streamline your merchant processing account opening.

Mistakes to Avoid For Setting the Merchant Processing Account Right 

Here are some common mistakes you should avoid if you are a novice! This will certainly help you choose the right payment gateway and keep your business’s financial health in check. 

1. Choose the right provider 

One of the most common mistakes is rushing into a merchant account without conducting thorough research on the merchant processor. It is important to check and compare criteria like terms, conditions, rates, customer support, contract conditions, and the industry’s overall reputation in the market. This will help you provide a better outline of the provider and prevent you from making any mistakes. 

With a merchant account, you and your customers will experience a seamless checkout process, free shipping, and fast payment processing. So, when moving from one processor to another, you must change your operations and procedures. Understanding how a change will impact your business and whether it will yield positive outcomes is better before making any further adjustments.

2. Read terms and conditions carefully 

You should carefully read the contract before creating a merchant account. Terms and conditions might be significant but are frequently disregarded. For instance, the contract will specify that processing payments is the service provider’s responsibility. 

Read the terms carefully if you intend to take credit and debit card payments.  This way, you know what will happen if there is no money in your account when you are ready to provide clients with goods or services. 

Examine the contract very carefully to look for transaction fees, early termination fees, statement fees, and other possible costs that could not be initially obvious. You can also use it if willing for merchant services for plastic surgery, healthcare, or others. Ideally, and ethical merchant processor for medical practice will not require a contract, because their pricing and services speak for themselves. 

3. Checking for the price of models 

A merchant account is a crucial management tool for your company. Direct bank payments and credit and debit card payments are processed through it. This means that you can use it to accept customer payments and generate a sales boost on the back of it. 

Making an informed choice requires knowledge of the various pricing structures and the incentives and benefits of each plan. Learning and knowing about each model is very important. As every model has different rates and its own pros and cons, choosing them wisely can make a difference in your overall costs.  You can confidently choose your business if you know your possibilities and how they relate to you.

4. Complies with the regulations 

Any company that conducts financial transactions must choose a merchant account that guarantees regulatory compliance. In addition to being required legally, compliance with applicable laws and regulations is crucial for maintaining operational integrity, security, and trust. Businesses develop trust and credibility, which are crucial for retaining customers and fostering favorable brand perception. 

Businesses can lessen risks associated with fraudulent activities by choosing a merchant account that complies with these rules. This shields the company from potential financial harm while also safeguarding its clients. One should comply with the regulations to avoid closing or restricting the accounts. 

5. Check reviews and ratings 

You must know where to find the reviews when looking for merchant services for dental practices or more. You should consider them as much as possible when making a purchase decision. 

Reviews and references are a merchant provider’s most valuable asset when it comes to your business. Do thorough research before choosing merchant services for medical practices, plastic surgery, or others. It helps decide who to choose as your credit card processor, risk mitigation partner, or any other service provider you might use in your business. 

Spend some time reading testimonials and contacting referrals from other business owners. Real-world examples can help people determine what to anticipate from a merchant processor. 


So many services have stepped into merchant accounts to make payments hassle-free. The merchant services for plastic surgery, cosmetics, health, and others also widely use e-payment methods, making it convenient for customers. Other services, like merchant services for dental practices, have integrated contactless payment methods allowing patients to make payments using their mobile devices. 

If you are looking for the right merchant account, consider BlueYonder. No setup costs, card transaction fees, equipment fees, additional expenses that are not disclosed upfront, or cancellation fees. Enjoy its merchant services for medical practices and other offerings now, and take your business to the next level. 


With BlueYonder you stop paying your high credit card processing fees and enjoy $65 a month for unlimited processing. No other fees.

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Start the savings today,

call 800-270-9285

Or fill in the email form and one of our account specialists will contact you direct.

Understand The Merchant Account Services For Your Medical Practice

If you are running a business and providing any service, you need to set up a business bank account to accept all the transactions. This business bank account refers to the merchant account that will handle all the debit and credit card transactions and any form of electronic payments. 

Tracking the current trajectory, the global healthcare industry is estimated to grow $12 trillion, by 2040, with numbers rapidly growing ever since the COVID-19 outbreak. Therefore, with many forms of payments popular in today’s economy, healthcare providers will need a reliable way to accept credit card payments in person, online, and over the phone.

Merchant services thus become an important part of practicing safer transactions. It is a form of intermediate account between the customer’s account and the business’s checking account. Nowadays, people from different professions require such an account to conduct day-to-day operations, e.g., merchant services for medical practices.

When a transaction goes through, the fund is available next day in your checking account. However, you need a payment processing company to set up a merchant services for dental practices. Once you produce your business license, the company will provide you with all the significant materials to start accepting payments.

Five factors you should consider before selecting a merchant processing account

When you need a merchant account for your business, you shouldn’t make any hasty decisions. You must consider several significant factors before choosing a professional and transparent payment processing company.

1. Find a company with an excellent track record.

You must look for a company that provides impeccable merchant processing – acceptance, processing and settlement of the payments. Since it is a matter of money and the trust of customers, you must ensure the company has fewer complaints against them, extensive presence in the business and good reviews. 

If there are too many red flags against the provider, it would be wise to avoid the company. The honest reviews from other users can also help you decide the best merchant services for plastic surgery business. Along with these, you must ensure the company has been in the business for a long time. In this way, you can rest assured about the company.

2. Compare fees and rates charged by the company.

Once you have jotted down a few potential payment service providers, you must compare the fees and rates of the companies. Most service providers charge a fee for processing debit and credit card payments. Some, for example, like you BlueYonder, just charge a flat monthly rate regardless of the volume of your credit card transactions.  You medical practice has to decide what is best for your bank account. 

Most the companies charge a percentage, known as a “discount” of the transaction amount. Along with this, you might have to pay a per-transaction charge. These fees tend to vary depending on several aspects such as –

  • The card type.
  • The transaction type – whether the customer is present at your medical practice or paying on your website.
  • The purchase amount, etc.

In the end, you must factor in this processing charge for the payments. This is why you should compare all the fees and rates of the merchant service providers and choose the one that is feasible for you.

3. Inspect the security and compliance measures offered by the company.

Healthcare data breaches involving 500 or more records reached their highest levels ever in 2020, 2021 and 2022, and hence dental offices must protect their records from cyberthreats as best as they can.  

As a responsible healthcare provider, you must understand the data of your customers will be in the hands of your merchant service provider. Whether you have merchant services for dental practices or something else, thousands of customers will enter their card details, CVV, OTP etc., to process the transactions. 

You must ensure the payment processing company takes efficient and adequate measures such as encryption and tokenization to safeguard the customer’s financial data. The is call PCI compliance. 

4. Look for the payment options offered.

Nowadays, people opt for different ways to pay for your service or product such as debit cards, credit cards, ACH and much more. Your payment processing partner must offer all these merchant services for the dental practice to ensure a flawless transaction. 

This will help you maximize your business. Along with these options, you must ensure the provider can implement any other payment options that might become more convenient for the customers.

As a company, you must be ready to offer all the available transaction methods to your consumers, including mobile card readers.

5. Factor in the customer support facility.

It would be wise to choose a payment processing company that offers 24*7 excellent customer support service. You must ensure you can access all the support offered by the company on time to troubleshoot any technical issue.

Apart from the availability, the customer support team must be impeccable in their job. They should be knowledgeable, and skillful, can take ownership of the problem and possess next-level resources to help you. In this way, you can rest assured any unprecedented problem will be taken care of by the team.

These are the top factors you must consider to choose a payment processing company you can rely on. Whether you require merchant services for plastic surgery or something else, you must never ignore these factors to offer outstanding service to your customers.

Summing up

When it is a matter of saving money on transactions, impeccable payment processing and securing customer data, you must trust no one other than Blue Yonder Corp. We are your one-stop solution for merchant services for medical practice

We offer no hidden fees service with a flat rate for any amount of transaction per month. We would be happy to provide you with a demo of our payment processing service. You can visit our website to learn more about the details of our services.

Ready to streamline your payment processing and secure customer data in your medical practice? Then check out Blue Yonder Corp. Discover how our trusted merchant services can benefit your business. Take the first step towards seamless transactions today!


There are no start-up fees, no long-term contracts, no transaction fees, no cancellation fees, and best of all, no hidden fees. And, to get you started, they provide you with their patented plug and play terminal, shipped directly to you, at no cost, compatible with any POS system. Available for VISA, MASTERCARD, AMEX, DISCOVER, APPLE PAY and ANDROID PAY.

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The Benefits of Accepting Credit Card Payments for Small Businesses

Credit cards nowadays have become an integral part of our financial lives. Post-pandemic and even before that, many individuals use swipe cards as their primary means of payment. From instant and easy payments to reward services like cash back, discounts, points, miles, etc., it offers people a wide range of amenities. Thus, making it the most preferred mode of payment amongst users.

Merchants and small businesses like dentists and chiropractors use card processing facilities to boost sales and offer an easy & convenient payment option to customers. Therefore, card processing for chiropractors and dentists is essential to make the user experience effortless and streamlined and save both time and money.

In today’s time, customer satisfaction is the primary motto of every business, and providing buyers with a happy and desirable mode of payment, like credit card processing for dentists and small businesses like chiropractors, can actually act as a huge differentiator. 

Let’s have a look at some of these other advantages of accepting credit card payments for small businesses.

Advantages of Credit Card Payments for Small Businesses

1. Easy To Use

Plastic money offers users a convenient and smooth payment experience. It provides a hassle-free transaction option by exempting consumers from remembering their rooting account number to carrying around cash or cheques for payments, consequently making lives virtually cashless. 

Card processing for dentists and chiropractic card processing is the best payment option for small businesses like dentists and chiropractors to introduce as it makes a patient’s journey seamlessly trouble-free. 

Dental care cards or dental credit cards are a good option for users to take care of their dental expenses if they do not have insurance. These specialized credit cards allow easy and suitable payment options, from routine tooth examinations and cleanings to cosmetic dental procedures and orthodontics.  Companies like iCare Financial can be a great resource for this. 

2. Increase Sales

Payments through credit cards increase a business’s overall revenue by eliminating geographical barriers and allowing customers to make payments from anywhere at any time. 

Additionally, it increases sales and allows more customer retention due to more payment options and different reward facilities. 

3. Fast Processing 

Improving cash flow and easy payment processing is another major benefit of credit cards. Card payments permit faster money transfer into bank accounts; they may involve processing fees but working with cash is comparatively much more expensive for businesses in a real sense and involves around 66% more risk percent as per a report by 2023 AFP Payments Fraud and Control Survey

Credit card processing for dentists is crucial as it provides security, saves time, and allows patient privacy. Some dental credit card processing providers today are BlueYonder Corp., National Processing, PaymentCloud, Dharma Merchant Services, etc. 

4. Enhance Security

Accepting credit card payments is a safer way of making transactions today in contrast to payment through cash or cheques which include a high level of risk for a user thus limiting its usage to only 9-10% in the USA  as per Credit Card Statistics And Trends 2023 – Forbes Advisor

Technological advancements like EVM are a big step in ensuring the safety of credit cards and protecting a consumer’s data. Chiropractic card processing offers customized treatment plans to patients and provides services like monthly installments, eliminating the risk of money being stolen or lost at times. Thus, making it a safer payment option. 

Some of the chiropractic credit card processing merchant services are BlueYonder Corp., Helcim, Host Merchant Services, CDG Commerce, and PaymentCloud. These allow a fair pricing structure with no hidden fees, long contract terms, data security, and responsive & knowledgeable customer support to assist the users with any challenges or issues faced during the process. 

5. Saves Time

Credit card payments have made transactions really fast, easy, and at users’ fingertips. With the recent introduction of contactless credit cards, consumers can make payments up to a certain limit, even without physically swiping or dipping the card. 

Authorizing a credit card takes only a few seconds in systems; this enables faster checkouts for customers, shortens queues, and allows more sales in less time for businesses. 

6. Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is very important for every business; treating the customers with respect, handling their queries, making them happy through various kinds of services, and ultimately gaining trust is the key objective of every business and is the only way to thrive in the industry. 

A good customer experience in terms of a company’s goods, products, and services increases the chances of survival and helps to understand the areas of improvement. 


Credit card payments are the need of the time for small businesses. There is no doubt why businesses should enable diverse payment modes through credit cards for their customers as these enable growth even faster and ultimately boost sales and retain users. 

Do you take pride in having happy customers who can trust you with securing their data in your medical practice? Then check out BlueYonder Corp. Discover how our trusted merchant services can benefit your business. Take the first step towards seamless transactions today!

With BlueYonder you stop paying your high credit card processing fees and enjoy $65 a month for unlimited processing. No other fees.

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